What the Pandemic Taught Business Leaders

Colette Kemp
2 min readApr 11, 2022


COVID-19 has been raging for over a year now, and it might feel like the entire world has shifted because of it. The terror, confusion, exhaustion, and uncertainty that the pandemic caused will have long-term effects on everyone, but there are valuable lessons to be learned from this terrible tragedy.

Remote Working Is the New Reality

Many companies were forced to shift to remote work during the pandemic, and many are finding that it suits them better than their original setup. Working from home offers employees flexibility and can actually improve their mental health, which in turn increases efficiency. While the transition might have been tough, working from home is now an option for hundreds of thousands of workers.

You Must Prioritize the Health and Safety of Your Staff

While we hope that most employers were already taking the health and safety of their workers seriously, the pandemic made it very clear that it should be a priority. Employees are the lifeblood of a company, and protecting them should be paramount no matter what industry a company is in.

Transparency Is Key

Research during the pandemic showed that many workers feel that their employers are not informing them adequately of things that are going on. As the pandemic raged, many companies began shifting their work cultures to value transparency to put employees at ease.

Authority Should Be Divided

As the working environment became more complex over the pandemic, companies began seeing the need for their employees to have the ability to be proactive and make decisions without having to wait for directions from their superiors. In the process, some companies are discovering that this division of authority is actually more efficient than their original model.

Personal Goals Should Be Set Aside

Before the pandemic, there were a lot of managers who were focused on how they were going to get a promotion. There are deeper concerns at hand, and many leaders are having to learn to set their personal goals aside for the good of their teams and the companies that they work for.



Originally published on colettekemp.net . For more from Colette Kemp, visit her blog!



Colette Kemp

Based in Fort Myers, Colette Kemp is an experienced business leader currently managing operations at Kemp Funeral Group. Visit ColetteKemp.net for more info!